Building & Development Permits
Property Owners are reminded that a Building/Development Permit is required for any new, alterations or additions to any homes and commercial buildings within the municipality.
Applications and information may be obtained from the Building Inspector/Development Officer of the South Central Planning District. 1-204-526-2800
South Central Planning District
P.O. Box 40
130 Broadway Street
Holland, Manitoba R0G 0X0
Phone: (204) 526 - 2800
Fax: (204) 526 - 2028
Applications and information may be obtained from the Building Inspector/Development Officer of the South Central Planning District. 1-204-526-2800
South Central Planning District
P.O. Box 40
130 Broadway Street
Holland, Manitoba R0G 0X0
Phone: (204) 526 - 2800
Fax: (204) 526 - 2028